Our Journey

Our Journey

Forest First Colombia (FFC) se fundó en 2010. Estamos comprometidos a tener un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente y las comunidades donde operamos. Nuestro viaje requiere que nos esforcemos por la excelencia mediante el aprendizaje continuo, el compromiso con los financiadores locales, nacionales e internacionales, las partes interesadas, los inversores y los accionistas, el logro de certificaciones, la realización de investigaciones y la colaboración continua.

// 2008


Long-term view of developing Colombia’s largest forestry operation while also prioritizing giving something back to the local communities.

// 2009 – 10

Market Research

FFC spent 2 years researching to find the optimum climate and soil conditions for tree growth for the plantation forestry operation.

// 2010

FFC Founded

FFC was formally founded in2010, with money raised from high net-worth investors.

// 2011 – 16

Set Up

By 2016, spacing trails and species selection was completed, and FFC had legally obtained the required land for the plantation.

// 2016

Additional Investment

In 2016, Sappi Ltd made their first investment in FFC. Sappi provided an off take agreement and technical support to help it reach its goal of a best-in-class global forestry operation.

// 2017

Additional Investment

FinnFund invested in 2017. They guided FFC through the DFI funding process and developed an environmental and social action plan to help FFC achieve the IFC performance standard specifications. 

// 2018

PINE Designation Achieved

Sappi also made additional investments during this period, when FFC received PINE designation from the Colombian government in 2018.  

// 2028

Future Ambitions

Currently, FFC has more than 12,000 hectares of planted forests with a goal to have 150,000 hectares under plantation by 2028.