Creating environmental value and mitigating environmental risks associated with our operations
This pillar focuses on how FFC is committed to a positive impact on the environment through stewardship, education, rehabilitation, and climate change mitigation. We also ensure that we minimize any potentially negative impact of our operations.

Climate Change Mitigation
Carbon Sequestration, and Clean Energy
FFC is deeply committed to climate action and is working with local and international partners to integrate the highest standards and best practices to ensure it is a meaningful part of the solution.
Land Stewardship and Conservation
Sustainable Forest Management, Sustainable Water Resource Use, and Improving Soil Quality
We operate in one of Colombia’s richest regions in terms of biodiversity. We have
identified a great opportunity to protect and preserve the ecosystems in the area
of influence of our operations in the department of Vichada. We manage the land
prioritizing the protection and conservation of gallery forests.

The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) FFC undertook revealed an opportunity to play a meaningful role in protecting and preserving the biodiversity in the region. The Bita River catchment in the region has recently been proclaimed a RAMSAR Site. FFC will cooperate with the management authorities of this important catchment area regarding all operational activities it undertakes in the area. All known HCVA and other conservation areas are now protected by FFC.
Our operations are limited to plantation forestry and no indigenous forest tree harvesting takes place; thus, no protected species are exploited in our operations.
Indigenous species such as birds, antelope and predators are moving into our area of operations as it provides a suitable refuge for these species. Numbers of each species are increasing including antelope, puma, birdlife and other fauna within our boundaries due to the elimination of hunting and protection from fires.
Environmental Education and Incentive Programs
Prevention of Uncontrolled Burning Practices Incentive Program, and Water Quality Education
FFC developed an uncontrolled burning education and incentive program for the community. This program encourages local communities to engage us on their burning activities, so that we can better prevent the spread of uncontrolled fires. We are working in cooperation with academics from the National University and the University in Puerto Carreño to further propagate best practices regarding fire risk.


Climate Change Mitigation


Climate Change Mitigation
Operational Best Practices, Policies and Procedures
FFC has developed or is in the process of developing best practices in the following operational areas:
- An environmental and wetland policy. This policy serves as the foundation for all our management practices. It proactively identifies sensitive areas prior to land purchase and protects land parcels from operational impacts.
- A plantation management plan. This plan is the outline for the business and deals with all associated operational, social and environmental aspects.
- An IFC nutrient management plan and pesticide management plan. The intent of this plan is to limit the application and type of chemicals used near waterways and surrounding soils. All chemicals used are in strict FSC compliance. The chemicals are all sourced from world class reputable companies.
- A hazardous chemical management plan, to be compliant with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Recommended Classification of Pesticides and IFC’s Groups 3 and 4 restricted Biological agents. This plan will integrate biological pest and weed control to limit the use of chemicals.
- A sustainable agrochemical use policy FFC has committed to recycling of all chemical packaging to prevent contamination, and to ensure minimal waste. More recently we have switched to bulk loads of our necessary chemicals to reduce the amount of packaging overall.
Environmental and Social Action Plan (ESAP)
Commensurate with the 2017 investment by FinnFund, FFC developed an Environmental and Social Action Plan and instituted a stewardship process with detailed annual reporting against seven key development areas: Compliance with Laws and Regulations; Environmental and Social Competencies and Management; Communication and Training; Human Rights (including equal opportunity employment, gender diversity, and labour rights); Health and Safety; Environment and Climate Change; Anti-Corruption; and Community Development and Society Aspects.
Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS)
In addition to the ESAP from 2017, an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) is being developed in line with the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) Principles and Standards, with the help of a local Colombian consultancy. FFC is also in the process of finalizing an IFC Compliant Water Management Plan.