Journey timeline test


Right from the start, our goal has been to make a positive impact on the environment and communities where we operate. This goal requires us to build a new model that is sustainable – socially, environmentally, and economically. That’s why we are committed to taking a bold approach to continuous learning.

Numbers animation - test


FFC is committed to the highest industry standards and ensuring meaningful engagement with leaders in the industry as well as adherence to international standards and best practices as well as clearly defining our policies, procedures and practices.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

FFC supports eight of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These goals relate to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation and peace and justice.


International Third-Party Forestry Certifications

FFC currently complies with Forest Stewardship Counsel (FSC) sustainable forestry criteria. We intend to secure FSC certification prior to the first commercial harvest in 2021. In addition, where volumes will be sold into the bioenergy market, Sustainable Biomass Program (SBP) certification will be included.


IFC’s Performance Standards

FFC has engaged third party consultants who are assisting us to ensure that all the necessary licenses and permits are obtained with the objective of fulfilling the requirements of the IFC’s Performance Standards. For example, we are committed to full compliance with the IFC’s performance standard five, requiring compensation to all individuals displaced by its operations.


IUCN Standards


Our Code of Conduct acts as our overall human resources policy, incorporating issues of fair treatment, non-discrimination, and compliance with national employment regulations.


All FFC contractors, who will employ most of our workforce, must follow this Code. The Code clearly specifies that contractors must treat their employees in compliance with Colombian law. FFC verifies compliance on a regular basis through contractor audits. In the case of any contractor defaulting, we will seek the appropriate remedies, up to and including termination of the contract. A formal employee grievance mechanism has been developed, which is also in compliance with Colombian law. Employees can voice grievances using this mechanism, including alleged safety concerns or instances of discrimination of any kind. These policies have been communicated and explained to our staff, and through this we aim to uphold and further embed our values of respect, ethical conduct, responsibility, collaboration, effectiveness, bravery, innovation, and transparency. Management regularly engages with the workforce to ascertain if there are any grievances and regularly conducts team building activities.



Forest First Colombia (FFC) was founded in 2010. We are committed to making a positive impact on the environment and communities where we operate. Our journey requires us to strive for excellence by continually learning, engaging with local, national, and international funders, stakeholders, investors and shareholders, achieving certifications, conducting research, and continual collaboration.



// 2008


Long-term view of developing Colombia’s 

largest forestry operation while also 

prioritizing giving something back 

to the local communities.


// 2008-10

Market Research

FFC spent 2 years researching to find the optimum climate and soil conditions for tree growth for the plantation forestry operation.

// 2010

FFC Founded

FFC was formally founded in2010, with money raised from high net-worth investors.


// 2011-16

Set Up

By 2016, spacing trails and species selection was completed, and FFC had legally obtained the required land for the plantation.


// 2016

Additional Investment

In 2016, Sappi Ltd made their first investment in FFC. Sappi provided an off take agreement and technical support to help it reach its goal of a best-in-class global forestry operation.


// 2017

Additional Investment

FinnFund invested in 2017. They guided FFC through the DFI funding process and developed an environmental and social action plan to help FFC achieve the IFC performance standard specifications. 


// 2018

PINE Designation Achieved

Sappi also made additional investments during this period, when FFC received PINE designation from the Colombian government in 2018.  


// 2028

Future Ambitions

Currently, FFC has more than 12,000 hectares of planted forests with a goal to have 150,000 hectares under plantation by 2028.  

Vertical Scroll starts here:

// 2008


Long-term view of developing Colombia’s largest forestry operation while also prioritizing giving something back to the local communities.

// 2010

FFC Founded

FFC was formally founded in2010, with money raised from high net-worth investors.

// 2011 – 16

Set Up

By 2016, spacing trails and species selection was completed, and FFC had legally obtained the required land for the plantation.

// 2016

Additional Investment

In 2016, Sappi Ltd made their first investment in FFC. Sappi provided an off take agreement and technical support to help it reach its goal of a best-in-class global forestry operation.

// 2017

Additional Investment

FinnFund invested in 2017. They guided FFC through the DFI funding process and developed an environmental and social action plan to help FFC achieve the IFC performance standard specifications. 

// 2018

PINE Designation Achieved

Sappi also made additional investments during this period, when FFC received PINE designation from the Colombian government in 2018.  

// 2028

Future Ambitions

Currently, FFC has more than 12,000 hectares of planted forests with a goal to have 150,000 hectares under plantation by 2028.